Summer Camp

Camp LaNoChe June 2014



Arrival at Camp entails lots of briefings


Be Prepared!

Sharpen your knife at the start of the week.


Monday, let the Merit Badges begin


Now for a little competition

First crawl through the mud


Then a little balancing act


Walk the tight rope


It’s tougher than it looks


Sometimes you just gotta grit your teeth and move on


Afterwards have a buddy help you remove your ticks


Check out the new pool and slide


After a long day relax with friends over a game of chess or cards while sipping on slushies


New day, time to pick yourself up and start moving


Food is provided, if you don’t like it, make your own concoction from the salad bar and call it the best lunch this week


Can’t pay for your lunch? Time to start working in the kitchen


Don’t think you’ll just be serving food, the dishes need washing too




Shooting sports


Black powder


No need to worry about magazine capacity limits here, want two shots, bring a second gun


Looking good is essential to good marksmanship. It’s all about the hat!


Must be dinner time


Don’t go in the pool for two hours after eating, unless you want to make a big splash


Which one of these two just lost over 50 pounds?


The spectators are shocked at the size of the splash


A new day, time to post the colors.




More to come…